
The future of technology research and development

DOI: 10.18462/iir.compr.2024.0624

Sekcia: Meeting of commissions B1, B2, E1, E2

Stav prijatia: Abstrakt prijatý

Meno Organizácia  
Alexander Cohr Pachai


Temperatures up to 400°C, are realistically possible, but the industry is not quite there yet. Projects are underway to reach the 400°C level, and field test are in place. The future of high temperature heat pumps will be in systems that are totally environmentally benign, free of all fluorinated compounds, as few mechanical sealing materials as possible and as few possible leaks as possible. This will make the systems robust and long lasting thereby reducing the environmental impact on resources of various metal ore and processing. Up time in most cases is expected to be close to 99% of the time.

Kľúčové slová

Working fluids
Future of refrigerants