
Registration Fee includes complete conference program

Položka Platí pre Platí do Cena
Registration Fee for IIR members Všetkých 5.7.2024 360 €
Registration Fee for IIR members Všetkých 30.8.2024 390 €
Registration Fee for non IIR members Všetkých 5.7.2024 390 €
Registration Fee for non IIR members Všetkých 30.8.2024 420 €
Registration Fee for Ph.D students Všetkých 5.7.2024 330 €
Registration Fee for Ph.D students Všetkých 30.8.2024 360 €
Registration Fee for Wife or Student (Ph.D students are excluded) Všetkých 5.7.2024 190 €
Registration Fee for Wife or Student (Ph.D students are excluded) Všetkých 30.8.2024 230 €
Registration fee only for one day session Všetkých 5.7.2024 260 €
Registration fee only for one day session Všetkých 30.8.2024 290 €

Company Business Presentation

Položka Platí pre Platí do Cena
Advertisement in Almanac Color Všetkých 30.8.2024 190 €
Distribution of Prospects Všetkých 30.8.2024 190 €
Exhibited Area EUR/m2 Všetkých 30.8.2024 100 €
One Poster and Exhibition Table Všetkých 30.8.2024 390 €
Oral presentation Všetkých 30.8.2024 250 €
Poster (Advert. Panel) EUR/piece Všetkých 30.8.2024 190 €

Technical tours of university labs

Položka Platí pre Platí do Cena
Tour of civil and mechanical eng. labs (Group A, Mon 17:55, meet in university main lobby) Všetkých 30.8.2024 0 €
Tour of civil and mechanical eng. labs (Group C, Mon 18:30, meet in university main lobby) Všetkých 30.8.2024 0 €
Tour of mechanical and civil eng. labs (Group B, Mon 17:55, meet in university main lobby) Všetkých 30.8.2024 0 €
Tour of mechanical and civil eng. labs (Group D, Mon 18:30, meet in university main lobby) Všetkých 30.8.2024 0 €

Tours of national bank and national radio

Položka Platí pre Platí do Cena
Tour of national bank and national radio (Group A, Tue 16:00, meet in university main lobby) Všetkých 30.8.2024 0 €
Tour of national bank and national radio (Group B, Tue 16:30, meet in university main lobby) Všetkých 30.8.2024 0 €